Saturday, June 27, 2009

Guess what am i doing??

Guess la guess la...Hehe, you dont know ha? Actually... i am passing motion now, push..push...sai sai come out d... hahahaha!

3 weeks old baby :>

Photo taken on 26/09/2009-- Day 21!! I am now 3 weeks old :) Hurray!! Am i becoming prettier and prettier??(Daddy:Don't talk like Mummy ya!) Some ppl say i look like daddy but some say like mummy, what do you think??

So enjoy lo

Photo taken on 25/6/2009 when i am day 20. Just had milk, and planning to sleep. Amma said i mus burp first... never mind la, i can sleep on amma's neck.. hehe :D
P/s: Please look carefully at my hand.. i do this posting by myself.. without anyone helping,, clever leh

See what happen to my hand-- is bruise :'(

This is what happen to my hand after draw blood from hospital yesterday-- bruise :'<

Finally my mummy decide to bring me to Lam Wah Ee Hospital today(24/06/2009) after seeking advise from pediatric Dr. Tan. The service in Lam Wah Ee is totally different with General Hospital. Dr. Tan take less than 5 minutes to finish blood drawings, and i didnt feel pain at all... (i continue to sleep while doctor is drawing blood.. haha)

The most important things is... we can get the blood report by the next day!!


From mummy: Dear baby xin xin, is mummy's fault for letting you suffer. I should not take you to General Hospital. So sorry my dear.

Poor me!! Very pity!! Must sayang me ya :<

I went to Penang General Hospital for checking up on 23/
06/2009 due to prolonged jaudice. The nurse helped to draw my blood. They did it for nearly half and hour and hurt both of my small hands. My amma and mummy nearly fainted when they see the nurse draw my blood. They draw 3 small bottles of blood( Y ur need so much of my blood?)
And the funniest things is.... the report will only come out after 2 weeks. Why so long???

I miss you Papa, i am 16 days d!

Photo taken on 21/06/2009 when i am 16 days :p

2 weeks old baby

Photo taken on 19/6/2009 when i am 14 days :>

My Great-grandmother

This is my great-grandmother!! She loves me very much. Sometimes she will help me to change diapers too!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Ah gong, Amma, Yiyi and Mummy :>

This photo is taken during father's day. I would like to said : Happy Father's Day to you, my dear hanson papa, i love you much much!!!

To my dear Ah Gong, Happy Father's Day to Ah gong, me, mummy and yiyi love you much!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hello everyone :> I am Yi Xin (Must read ya!!)

Ladies & Gentlemen,这是我来临这美丽世界的小小过程,我想放在此和大家分享,本故事纯属真实:


妈咪带我到南华医院复诊,我的主产医生是Dr. Lau Soon Yan年轻和蛮帅的,但还差我老爸一点,HeHeGood Gal)!帮妈咪检查后,便对妈咪说我已经要出来了,过了不久妈咪的下体开始流血了,那时妈咪打了电话给在新加坡苦干的老爸,老爸知道之后便请了一个礼拜的假回来看我,我老爸真疼我!大约晚上10pm我老爸已经到达槟城国际机场了,当妈咪吃完宵夜(加哩面&云吞面)之后老爸就带我们到医院去了!到了医院之后护士给妈咪检查说子宫门已经开了5cm了可以进产房了!恶梦要开始了,护士给妈咪躺在小过单人床的小床真是折磨我妈咪,而我老爸就罚站在妈咪的床边守护着我们。然后老爸给婆婆x2和公公打了电话说我快要出来了,害到他们整晚都睡不着,真是抱歉,Sorry!而老爸和妈咪整晚都没有睡到因为我整晚都在踢那压着我的心脏仪器,我知道那是用来测探我心跳的仪器,但真的压地我很不舒服,我不是故意要踢它的,对不起帅老爸和美丽妈咪(不准讲骗话,especially mummy partok?)!


年轻和蛮帅的,但还差我老爸一点的Dr. Lau来了,他帮妈咪检查之后说我可以出来了,然后老爸就被请出去一会儿,因为年轻和蛮帅的,但还差我老爸一点的Dr. Lau要帮妈咪剪破我的保护层(羊胎水)和帮妈咪吊点滴了!被请出去的老爸乘机打电话给婆婆x2和公公报告,当老爸回来时就看见护士从房里走了出来,而护士手中拿了一盘血丝丝看起来好像一层皮的东西(因该是我的保护层),过了一会儿年轻和蛮帅的,但还差我老爸一点的Dr. Lau出来了,他跟老爸说你老婆现在会开始痛了因为他吊点滴是要给子宫门打开大约10cm。说完后,老爸就冲进来了就看到妈咪的脸黄了Oh No No,是变青了!可怜的妈咪!接下来恶梦要开始了每过三分钟妈咪就会阵痛一分钟,后来阵痛的时间就越来越长了,妈咪也相对的更痛苦了而妈咪的脸上也越来越皱了!就这样持续了一个小时护士也开始帮妈咪催生了,护士一直叫妈咪出力的把我推出来,没有叫我快点出来这一点使我很不明白,其实护士小姐你应该叫我出来的啊!(妈咪,护士笨蛋是吗?)过了一会,年轻和蛮帅的,但还差我老爸一点的Dr. Lau来了,在主产医生和护士的阵容之下再加上妈咪使劲的推我,我可以安心地出世了。当我的头噗出来之后主产医生就把我的身体转了上来,不一会儿可爱的我就出世了!那时是早上10.11

好了,这就是本人来临前的记录!谢谢观看!记得付观看费给我妈咪哦(老婆,帮我保管好哦)!HeHe!谢谢大家的支持!Thank YouMuakzz!