Monday, October 18, 2010

New toys for Xin girl girl~~

Today, Gong gong n Po po bought girl girl some new toys. One of girl girl favorite toy is drawing board.

XIn girl girl like to draw. She learns to write 123. After she writes, she will read it out loudly.

Girl girl is now 16 months, 25 pounds and she is still a saliva girl. She now likes to climbing up and down , bed, chairs and etc...

She is learning ABC. Everyday she will practice her 123 and ABC without anyone ask her to.

Girl girl, mummy hope you will always be a good girl ya >.<

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bao Bei said 1-10 in mandarin, pandainya~~

On 11.10.2010, monday nighr, Uncle Kenneth let us chat on video call through skype.

For the first time, Papa and mama get to see and hear you said 1 to 10

You are such a clever but naughty girl. Gong gong complained that you like to sneak into the bathroom. You would like to "help" while popo is washing and hanging clothes.

You will put your pants on your head or around the neck, and walk around happily, so cute >.<

Once you wake up in the morning, you will start reading, giving popo and Ah chor each person a book too.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear baby, see you at Deepavali

Just bought air ticket today. Daddy n mummy are going home for deepavali. By bus on thursday night(04.11.2010) 10.00pm and returning on Sunday night(07.11.2010) 9.30pm by Air Asia.

Althought it is very expensive (Bus S$90+ Flight RM650), but we really happy that we can accompany you for 3 days.

Mummy will take a lots of your photo and video, so when mummy missed you in Singapore, mummy can see it.

Miss you much girl girl :) Muakzzz

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

宝宝日记~~16 months baby

This month we are going to Vietnam, so cant go home see my dear girl girl.

My dear girl girl is now talking more. She can now says 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 (in mandarin) and insists of always saying "1".

Every night i will call home, she knows it. Around 9pm, if the house phone rang, she will call mama, mama. Sometimes she will put hp nearby her ear, pretending to talk with us. She will also 'share' her phone call with other people by putting the at others' ear.

She also knows how to says 'apple'. She now mumbling when she is reading and praying.

She is a very strong girl. She can now climb over her playpen >.<

Baby pronouns gong gong as 'geng geng', and instead of calling po po, she says 'mah'.

Having you is the greatest gift i ever had. We love you much :)