Tuesday, October 5, 2010

宝宝日记~~16 months baby

This month we are going to Vietnam, so cant go home see my dear girl girl.

My dear girl girl is now talking more. She can now says 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 (in mandarin) and insists of always saying "1".

Every night i will call home, she knows it. Around 9pm, if the house phone rang, she will call mama, mama. Sometimes she will put hp nearby her ear, pretending to talk with us. She will also 'share' her phone call with other people by putting the at others' ear.

She also knows how to says 'apple'. She now mumbling when she is reading and praying.

She is a very strong girl. She can now climb over her playpen >.<

Baby pronouns gong gong as 'geng geng', and instead of calling po po, she says 'mah'.

Having you is the greatest gift i ever had. We love you much :)

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